Once all my ideas were down on paper and sketched out, I moved onto Figma to start to build digital wireframes of my dashboard screen. Before I started, I created a five colour set which would be the basis to bring my ideas to life. I wanted it to look modern and futuristic, so I felt a dark mode based design would be the best and purple would work really well with a darker tone. I also had to consider typography, which is when I also looked at how I would be presenting my brand, and how my typeface and colour would represent this.

Screenshot 2023-01-03 at 22.16.45.png

Screenshot 2023-01-03 at 22.16.54.png

To build my dashboard, I looked at it in smaller sections as it was the first larger based screen design I have worked on. So I decided to work from left to right, starting with the map and car details, then moving into the entertainment, passenger side of the dashboard. I utilised my research at this point, making sure I included as much as I could of what would make the journey more comfortable for the passenger, as well as the controls the person has for the car.

As I built my design, I felt using card/blocks would be best, as it helps divide up the large screen, making it easier for the passenger to take in all the information being thrown at them at once. The dashboard follows the system of if you click on the block, it will enlarge, providing more information for the user.

The concept is that the user will use their Hail-ie app to order a car and when it arrives it will use face recognition to register which person is in the car and will then tailor the experience to them by logging them into their own Spotify, Netflix etc and linking up their messages and calls. There is also a voice recognition element where the passenger can make and receive calls by asking ‘Hail-ie’ to do so. If it is a new person, or someone who hasn’t set up their face ID, they will have the option to set up a face ID or fill in their log in if that isn’t possible.

<aside> 🐳 Digital PDFs:

Car Dashboard UI.pdf


Dashboard Welcome 1.png

Dashboard Welcome 2.png

Dashboard Welcome 3.png

Dashboard Welcome 4.png

Dashboard Dark Mode.png

Dashboard Light Mode.png

Car Control 4.png

