I really enjoyed the different approach the project brought me on, exploring illustrative elements to prototyping. I feel like my design process allowed me to create a successful end product which would act as an educational game for children in primary school. I am pleased with the overall visual look of my screens and I feel I created consistency across the board. I feel my user flow is easy to follow and use, with all the necessary elements of a game.
Pulling such a large area of information into a smaller, contained screen was quite challenging at the beginning as I had to make decisions quite quickly in what I had to do. There are some elements of this project that I found challenging which was I could have planned my screens a bit better by making more sketched wireframes so I was more prepared. This would have been helpful during the prototype process, as I found it very time consuming working out which screens connected where. My prototype is mostly successful, but there are some animations that did go as planned and I didn’t have the knowledge of how to animate movement of the level question rounds. But this is something I plan to learn so I can incorporate it into furture projects.
Overall I am pleased with my final outcome, I feel I created a consistent set of visual elements across the game, but I am aware there are areas which do need improved.
<aside> 🧠 Link to PDF Screens:
<aside> 🧠 Prototype Video:
SDG Prototype Run Through.mov.zip
<aside> 🧠 Link to Prototype: https://www.figma.com/proto/98DV6mt3sY7QqY9IpSQSEm/SDG?page-id=0%3A1&node-id=3%3A11&viewport=167%2C137%2C0.03&scaling=scale-down&starting-point-node-id=3%3A11