
Once all the screens were created, I used Figma to prototype all the screens together. This is one of the first projects that I have used this tool so it did take me a while to get to terms with it and there are some points during the prototype where there are animations happening that I didn’t mean to create.

Below I have attached a link to my prototype as well as a video of a run through. I found this process very helpful in seeing which parts of my game work well and what could maybe be changed. As well as this is it is a great tool to see if my design are functional and if I have achieved consistency through out.

It was a very tedious process of recording the video, which I didn’t expect, as it really highlighted any mistakes or errors I had made. So it was very repetitive process, at points frustrating, but the end out come is very useful in seeing how the game works.

I couldn’t work out how to animate the game screens so that you can swipe the ball into the answer, so for the purposes of this prototype, clicking on the answer will move it to the next screen instead.

<aside> ♻️ Link to Prototype:


SDG Prototype Run