When it came to understanding my users, I created a questionnaire which I then sent into three primary school classes. I wanted to gain an insight into what they like/dislike about learning and school in particular, as well as the devices they use and what sports they like. This information then became the basis of my user personas. I also wanted to see if any of them know about the Sustainable Development Goals, as the main aim of my game was an educational game to be used in schools to educate the upper half of primary schools about the goals.

<aside> 🌸 Questionnaire I sent out:



<aside> 🌸 Table of responses I received:

Survey Responses.pdf


I received 41 responses and as I had predicted most of the pupils had not heard of the Goals before. I took out the main pieces of information that would benefit my design, which mainly was that sports they liked which I would then use for my levels, with each island being a sport, as well as what they don’t like about school which I could try and avoid with my designs.



Taking this information I created two user personas of pupils, as well as some user stories taking the teachers perspective into consideration.

